It's been a long time since I updated the comic, so many readers probably should have expected this, but I neglected to put any official notice on the site. Pragmatist has been discontinued as a comic.

I had planned on writing a long article explaining why, and what I could learn from the experience of making the comic, and maybe I will eventually. The long and short of it is, I got burnt out. I wasn't ready to work on something like this, and even though I got pretty far, life got in the way and once I stumbled I wasn't able to get back on the wagon.

That being said, I'm really proud of myself for having gotten so far. I still love these characters and the story I was able to tell with them. I think of Pragmatist as a meaningful piece of art and a huge accomplishment despite having to discontinue work on it. I will continue to revisit the characters and world of Pragmatist in my art from time to time, but updates on the comic won't continue.

To everyone who read and supported Pragmatist, I thank you deeply!

- Lenny